List Multipart Uploads¶
You can use this operation to query all in-progress multipart uploads that have been initiated but not been combined or aborted.
Request Syntax¶
GET /?uploads&max-uploads=max HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: agent
Accept: */*
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: auth
Request Parameters¶
This request uses parameters to specify the query range for multipart uploads. Table 1 describes the parameters.
Parameter | Description | Remarks |
delimiter | Character used to group object keys. All keys that contain the same string between prefix, if specified, and the first occurrence of the delimiter after prefix are grouped under a single result element CommonPrefixes. CommonPrefix contains no information about any multipart upload. It is only used for informing users of the following: multipart uploads are contained in this group. Type: String | Optional |
prefix | Lists in-progress uploads only for those object keys that begin with the specified prefix. Type: String | Optional |
max-uploads | Sets the maximum number (ranging from 1 to 1000) of multipart uploads to be returned in the response body. If the value is not in this range, 1000 is returned by default. Type: Integer | Optional |
key-marker | Indicates the multipart upload after which the listing begins. Type: String | Optional |
upload-id-marker | Indicates the multipart upload after which the listing begins. This parameter is used together with key-marker. Type: String | Optional |
Request Headers¶
This request uses common headers. For details about common request headers, see section Common Request Headers.
Request Elements¶
This request involves no elements.
Response Syntax¶
HTTP/1.1 status_code
Server: OBS
x-amz-request-id: request id
x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
x-amz-id-2: id2
Content-Length: length
Date: date
Connection: connect state
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">
Response Headers¶
This response uses common headers. For details about common response headers, see section Common Response Headers.
Response Elements¶
This response contains elements to provide details about the listed multipart uploads. Table 2 describes the elements.
Element | Description | Remarks |
ListMultipartUploads Result | Container for the response Type: Container Children: Bucket, KeyMarker, UploadIdMarker, NextKeyMarker, NextUploadIdMarker, Delimiter, Prefix, MaxUploads, IsTruncated, Upload, and CommonPrefixes Ancestor: None | Mandatory |
Bucket | Name of the bucket to which the multipart upload was initiated Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
KeyMarker | Object keys at or after which the multipart upload listing begins Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
UploadIdMarker | Upload ID after which the multipart upload listing begins Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
NextKeyMarker | Value of KeyMarker in a subsequent request after a multipart upload list is truncated Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
NextUploadIdMarker | Value of UploadMarker in a subsequent request after a multipart upload list is truncated Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
MaxUploads | Maximum of multipart uploads to be returned in the response Type: Integer Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
IsTruncated | Indicates whether the returned list of multipart uploads is truncated. true indicates that the list was truncated and false indicates that the list was not truncated. Type: Boolean Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
Upload | Container for elements related to a specific multipart upload Type: Container Children: Key, UploadId, InitiatorOwner, Initiated Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
Key | Key of the object for which the multipart upload was initiated Type: String Ancestor: Upload | Mandatory |
UploadId | ID of the multipart upload Type: String Ancestor: Upload | Mandatory |
Initiator | Container element that identifies who initiated the multipart upload Children: ID, DisplayName Type: Container Ancestor: Upload | Mandatory |
ID | DomainId of the user. Type: String Ancestor: Initiator, Owner | Mandatory |
DisplayName | Initiator name Type: String Ancestor: Initiator, Owner | Mandatory |
Owner | Container element that identifies the object owner. This element is the same as Initiator and compatible with Amazon S3. In S3, if a multipart upload is initiated by an IAM user, Initiator may differ from Owner. Type: Container Children: ID, DisplayName Ancestor: Upload | Mandatory |
Initiated | Date and time at which the multipart upload was initiated Type: Date Ancestor: Upload | Mandatory |
ListMultipartUploadsResult.Prefix | Contains the prefix specified in the request. Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
Delimiter | Contains the delimiter specified in the request. Type: String Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
CommonPrefixes | If you specify a delimiter in the request, the result returns each distinct key prefix containing the delimiter in a CommonPrefixes element. Type: Container Ancestor: ListMultipartUploadsResult | Mandatory |
CommonPrefixes. Prefix | Prefix contained in a CommonPrefix element Type: String Ancestor: CommonPrefixes | Mandatory |
Error Responses¶
If an AK or signature is invalid, OBS returns status code 403 Forbidden and error code AccessDenied.
If the requested bucket does not exist, OBS returns status code 404 Not Found and error code NoSuchBucket.
If the requester does not have READ permission for the requested bucket, OBS returns status code 403 Forbidden and error code AccessDenied.
If the value of maxUploads is a non-integer or smaller than 0, OBS returns status code 400 Bad Request.
For details about other error responses, see Table 1.
Sample Request¶
GET /?uploads&max-uploads=3 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.19.0
Accept: */*
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Authorization: AWS AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE:0RQf4/cRonhpaBX5sCYVf1bNRuU=
Sample Response¶
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: OBS
x-amz-request-id: 656c76696e6727732072657175657374
x-reserved: amazon, aws and amazon web services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Amazon Technologies, Inc
x-amz-id-2: Uuag1LuByRx9e6j5Onimru9pO4ZVKnJ2Qz7/C1NPcfTWAtRPfTaOFg==
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2010 20:34:56 GMT
Content-Length: 1330
Connection: keep-alive
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ListMultipartUploadsResult xmlns="">