Change History

Released On



This issue is the sixteenth official release.

  • Querying the Certificate List: Added the description of response body parameters.

  • Querying the Reference Table List: Added the description of response body parameters.


This issue is the fifteenth official release.

Added the following API: Modifying a Certificate


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

Revised the document based on review comments.


This issue is the thirteenth official release.

  • Add the following APIs:

    • Querying the List of Known Attack Source Rules

    • Creating a Known Attack Source Rule

    • Querying a Known Attack Source Rule by ID

    • Updating a Known Attack Source Rule

    • Deleting a Known Attack Source Rule

    • Updating the Cache for a Web Tamper Protection Rule

    • Querying the List of Information Leakage Prevention Rules

    • Creating an Information Leakage Protection Rule

    • Querying an Information Leakage Prevention Rule

    • Updating an Information Leakage Prevention Rule

    • Deleting an Information Leakage Prevention Rule

  • Modified the following sections:

    • Rule Management: Modified the descriptions of parameters Content-Type and addr.

    • Querying Bandwidth Usage Statistics: Modified the description of parameter group_by.

    • Supported actions: Modified related permissions policies.


This issue is the twelfth official release.

Revised the document based on review comments.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

Revised the document based on review comments.


This issue is the tenth official release.

Modified the following content:

  • Querying Protection Policies: Added the description of the parameters related to protection levels and the description of the parameters for creating timestamps. Deleted the parameters that do not exist.

  • Querying a Policy by ID: Modified the description of the example response body.

  • Updating a Policy: Fixed the parameter that automatically capitalizes the first letter of the response body and fixed the hard-coded policy name of the response body.

  • Querying the False Alarm Masking Rule List: Added attributes that were missed from the response body in the earlier version.

  • Querying the Reference Table List: Modified the parameter description of the response body.

  • Modifying a Reference Table: Deleted response body parameters that do not exist.

  • Querying the Blacklist and Whitelist Rule List: Deleted unnecessary parameters and modified parameter descriptions.

  • Creating a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule: Deleted unnecessary parameters and modified parameter descriptions.


This issue is the ninth official release.

Modified the following content:

  • Querying Website Request Statistics

  • Querying the QPS Statistics

  • Querying Bandwidth Usage Statistics

  • Querying the Number of Abnormal Requests


This issue is the eighth official release.

Added the following content:

  • Description

  • SupportedActions


This issue is the seventh official release.

Modified the following content:

  • QueryingWebsite Request Statistics to Querying the Number of Abnormal Requests: Parameters from and to are changed to mandatory parameters.


This issue is the sixth official release.

Added the following content:

  • Dashboard

  • Querying Available Features by Site

  • Dedicated Instance Management

  • Querying the Domain Name of a Tenant


This issue is the fifth official release.

Added the following content:

  • Deleting a Reference Table

  • Deleting a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule

  • Deleting a Certificate


This issue is the fourth official release.

Added the following content:

  • Modifying a Reference Table

  • Creating a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule

  • Updating a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule

  • Certificate Management


This issue is the third official release.

Added the following content:

  • Added example requests and responses for all APIs.

Deleted the following sections:

  • "Modifying a Reference Table"

  • "Creating a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule"

  • "Updating a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule"

  • Content related to "Certificate Management"


This issue is the second official release.

  • Deleted parameter enterprise_project_id in the document.

  • Added descriptions about Status code: 200 in "Deleting a Policy."

  • Deleted the following sections:

    • "Dashboard"

    • "Deleting a Reference Table"

    • "Deleting a Blacklist or Whitelist Rule"

    • "Applying a Certificate to a Domain Name"

    • "Deleting a Certificate"

    • "Modifying a Certificate"

    • "Modifying the Protection Status of a Domain Name in Dedicated Mode"

    • "Querying Available Features by Site"

    • "Dedicated Instance Management"

    • "Querying the Domain Name of a Tenant"


This issue is the first official release.