Deleting a Security Group


This section describes how to delete security groups.

Notes and Constraints

  • The default security group is named default and cannot be deleted.

  • A security group cannot be deleted if it is being used by instances, such as cloud servers, containers, and databases.

    If you need to delete such a security group, delete the instances or change the security group used by the instance first.

  • A security group cannot be deleted if it is used as the source or destination of a rule in another security group.

    Delete or modify the rule and delete the security group again.

    For example, if the source of a rule in security group sg-B is set to sg-A, you need to delete or modify the rule in sg-B before deleting sg-A.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.

  3. On the console homepage, under , click Virtual Private Cloud.

  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Access Control > Security Groups.

    The security group list is displayed.

  5. Locate the row that contains the target security group, click More in the Operation column, and click Delete.

    A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

  6. Confirm the information and click Yes.