
What Is Direct Connect?

Direct Connect establishes a dedicated connection between your data center and the cloud. You can use one connection to access cloud computing resources in different regions, helping build a secure and reliable hybrid environment.

Application Scenarios

You need a dedicated network connection between your data center and a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to ensure high bandwidth, low latency, and robust security.


There are three key components for you to use Direct Connect: connection, virtual gateway, and virtual interface.

  • Connection

    A connection is a dedicated network connection between your on-premises data center and a Direct Connect location over a leased line provided by a carrier. You can request standard connections.

    A standard connection provides a port that is exclusive to you and allows you to have multiple virtual interfaces associated.

  • Virtual gateway

    A virtual gateway is a logical gateway for accessing a VPC. A virtual gateway can be associated with only one VPC. Multiple connections can access the same VPC through a single virtual gateway.

  • Virtual interface

    A virtual interface is an entrance for you to access VPCs through a leased line. A virtual interface associates your connection with a virtual gateway, which connects to a VPC so that your network can access the cloud.


  • High security

    You can use Direct Connect to connect to VPCs. Direct Connect provides a dedicated channel for communication, and this channel is isolated from other networks, ensuring the security.

  • Low latency

    A dedicated network is used for data transmission, which brings high network performance, low latency, and excellent user experience.

  • High bandwidth

    A connection supports a maximum of 10 Gbit/s bandwidth, meeting various requirements.

  • Seamless resource expansion

    You can use Direct Connect to connect your data center to the resources in the cloud, which enables you to deploy a hybrid cloud in a flexible and scalable manner.