Error Codes¶
Status Code | Error Code | Error Message | Description | Solution |
200 | SMN.0025 | Template already exists. | The template already exists. | Create a different template. |
201 | SMN.0121 | An application with the same name but different properties already exists. | An application with the same name but different attributes already exists. | Specify a different application name. |
201 | SMN.0190 | This endpoint already exists. | An endpoint already exists. | Specify another endpoint. |
400 | SMN.0002 | Parameter: Name is invalid. | Invalid name. | Enter a valid topic name. |
400 | SMN.0003 | Parameter: DisplayName is invalid. | Invalid displayname. | Enter a valid display name for the topic. |
400 | SMN.0005 | Parameter: TopicUrn is invalid. | Invalid topic_urn. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0011 | Parameter: Protocol is invalid. | Invalid protocol. | Specify a valid protocol. |
400 | SMN.0012 | Parameter: Endpoint is invalid. | Invalid endpoint. | Specify a valid endpoint. |
400 | SMN.0014 | Parameter: SubscriptionUrn is invalid. | Invalid SubscriptionUrn. | Specify a valid SubscriptionUrn. |
400 | SMN.0015 | Parameter: Offset or limit is invalid. | Invalid offset or limit. | Enter valid offset and limit values. |
400 | SMN.0017 | Parameter: Remark is invalid. | Invalid remark. | Specify a valid remark. |
400 | SMN.0019 | Producer Exceptions. | Generator exception. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0021 | MessageStructure is invalid. | Invalid message_structure. | Specify a valid message_structure. |
400 | SMN.0024 | Parameter: content is invalid. | Invalid content. | Specify a valid content |
400 | SMN.00290 | SubscriberUrn is unavailable. | SubscriberUrn is unavailable. | Check whether SubscriberUrn is correct. |
400 | SMN.0031 | Parameter: template_id is invalid. | Invalid template_id. | Specify a valid template_id. |
400 | SMN.0032 | Parameter: message_template_name is invalid. | Invalid message_template_name. | Specify a valid message_template_name. |
400 | SMN.0033 | Parameter: push_policy is invalid. | Invalid push_policy. | Specify a valid push_policy. |
400 | SMN.0034 | Parameter: subscription_auth_policy is invalid. | Invalid subscription_auth_policy. | Specify a valid subscription_auth_policy. |
400 | SMN.0035 | Parameter: validation_policy is invalid. | Invalid validation_policy. | Specify a valid validation_policy. |
400 | SMN.0036 | Parameter: xdomain_type is invalid. | Invalid xdomain_type. | Specify a valid xdomain_type. |
400 | SMN.0038 | Parameter: tag is invalid. | Invalid tag. | Specify a valid tag. |
400 | SMN.0042 | Parameter: Message_template_name is invalid. | Invalid message_template_name. | Specify a valid message_template_name. |
400 | SMN.0043 | Parameter: subscription is invalid. | Invalid subscription. | Specify a valid subscription. |
400 | SMN.0044 | Exceeded template limit. | The maximum allowed number of templates has been reached. | A user can create a maximum of 100 message templates. |
400 | SMN.0046 | Parameter: Attribute name is invalid. | Invalid attribute_name. | Specify a valid attribute_name. |
400 | SMN.0048 | Parameter: Access policy is invalid. | Invalid access_policy. | Specify a valid access_policy. |
400 | SMN.0049 | Parameter: Access policy version is invalid. | Invalid access_policy version. | Enter a valid version of the access policy. |
400 | SMN.0050 | Parameter: Access policy ID is invalid. | Invalid access_policy id. | Specify a valid access_policy id. |
400 | SMN.0051 | Parameter: Access policy statement is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement. | Specify a valid access_policy statement. |
400 | SMN.0052 | Parameter: Access policy statement ID is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement id. | Specify a valid access_policy statement id. |
400 | SMN.0053 | Parameter: Access policy statement resource is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement resource. | Specify a valid access_policy statement resource. |
400 | SMN.0054 | Parameter: Access policy statement effect is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement effect. | Specify a valid access_policy statement effect. |
400 | SMN.0055 | Parameter: Access policy statement action is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement action. | Specify a valid access_policy statement action. |
400 | SMN.0056 | Parameter: Access policy statement principle is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement principle. | Specify a valid access_policy statement principle. |
400 | SMN.0058 | Parameter: Access policy statement condition is invalid. | Invalid access_policy statement condition. | Specify a valid access_policy statement condition. |
400 | SMN.0059 | Parameter: job_id is invalid. | Invalid job_id. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0061 | Parameter: Service name is invalid. | Invalid Service name. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0062 | Parameter: Show name is invalid. | Invalid Show name. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0066 | Parameter: System parameter name is invalid. | Invalid System parameter name. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0067 | Parameter: System parameter value is invalid. | Invalid System parameter value. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0072 | Parameter: Service is invalid. | Invalid service. | Specify a valid service. |
400 | SMN.0073 | Parameter: Invalid action. | Invalid action. | Specify a valid action. |
400 | SMN.0074 | Failed to add permission. | Failed to add permissions. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0077 | Parameter: Status is invalid. | Invalid status. | Specify a valid status. |
400 | SMN.0080 | The signId parameter is invalid. | Invalid sign_id. | Specify a valid sign_id. |
400 | SMN.0081 | The signName parameter is invalid. | Invalid sign_name. | Specify a valid sign_name. The name must contain 2 to 8 characters and only letters and digits are allowed. |
400 | SMN.0082 | The length of the remark parameter value has reached the maximum allowed. | Invalid remark length. | Specify a valid remark. |
400 | SMN.0087 | The SMS message signature has not been approved. | SMS message signature not approved. | Specify an approved SMS message signature. |
400 | SMN.0090 | Invalid domain ID. | Invalid domain_id. | Specify a valid domain_id. For details, see the section "Obtaining a Project ID". |
400 | SMN.0092 | The kafka_id parameter is invalid. | Invalid kafka_id. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0093 | The address_list parameter is invalid. | Invalid address_list. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0094 | The type of queue parameter is invalid. | Invalid queue parameter type. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0095 | The count of queue parameter is invalid. | Invalid queue parameter statistics. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0097 | The names parameter is invalid. | Invalid names. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0100 | The eventType parameter is invalid. | Invalid event_type. | Specify a valid event_type. |
400 | SMN.0102 | Parameter: message_id is invalid. | Invalid message_id. | Specify a valid message_id. |
400 | SMN.0103 | The start_time parameter value is invalid. | Invalid start_time. | Specify a valid start_time. |
400 | SMN.0104 | The end_time parameter value is invalid. | Invalid end_time. | Specify a valid end_time. |
400 | SMN.0108 | Parameter: Type is invalid. | Invalid type. | Specify a valid type. |
400 | SMN.0110 | Parameter: Start date is invalid. | Invalid start_date. | Specify a valid start_date. |
400 | SMN.0112 | Parameter: End date is invalid. | Invalid end_date. | Specify a valid end_date. |
400 | SMN.0113 | The start time and end time must be within the past 3 months. | The start time and end time must be within the past three months. | Specify the start time and end time within the past three months. |
400 | SMN.0114 | The end time must be later than the start time. | The end time must be later than the start time. | The end time must be later than the start time. |
400 | SMN.0115 | Parameter: Application name is invalid. | Invalid application name. | Specify a valid application name. |
400 | SMN.0118 | Wrong Certificate. | Certificate error. | Specify a valid certificate. |
400 | SMN.0123 | Parameter: ApplicationUrn is invalid. | Invalid application_urn. | Specify a valid application_urn. |
400 | SMN.0124 | Parameter: application attribute is invalid. | Invalid application_attributes. | Specify a valid application_attributes. |
400 | SMN.0126 | ContentType is wrong. | Incorrect content type. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0129 | Certificate type is wrong. | Incorrect certificate type. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0132 | The value of the User_data parameter is invalid. | Invalid user_data. | Specify a valid user_data. |
400 | SMN.0133 | The device token already exists. | The device token already exists. | Create a different device token. |
400 | SMN.0134 | The endpoint URN is invalid. | Invalid endpoint_urn. | Specify a valid endpoint_urn. |
400 | SMN.0135 | The endpoint does not exist. | The endpoint is not found. | Specify a valid endpoint. |
400 | SMN.0136 | The value of the enabled parameter is invalid. | Invalid enabled. | Specify a valid enabled. |
400 | SMN.0137 | The application URN is invalid. | Invalid application_urn. | Specify a valid application_urn. |
400 | SMN.0140 | The topic URN configured for the message sending failure event is invalid. | Invalid topic_urn configured for the message sending failure event. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0141 | The topic configured for the message sending failure event does not exist. | topic_urn configured for the message sending failure event is not found. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0142 | The topic URN configured for the message sending success event is invalid. | Invalid topic_urn configured for the message sending success event. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0143 | The topic configured for the message sending success event does not exist. | topic_urn configured for the message sending success event is not found. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0144 | The topic URN configured for the response message event is invalid. | Invalid topic_urn configured for the response message event. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0145 | The topic configured for the response message event does not exist. | topic_urn configured for the response message event is not found. | Specify a valid topic_urn. |
400 | SMN.0148 | Parameter: user_id is invalid. | Invalid user_id. | Specify a valid user_id |
400 | SMN.0150 | Complete real-name registration using your company's certificate. | Complete real-name registration using your company's certificate. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0151 | The message signature type cannot be promotional. | The signature cannot be a promotional SMS message signature. | Specify a transactional SMS message signature. |
400 | SMN.0152 | The number allocated to the SMS template has reached the maximum allowed. | The maximum allowed number of SMS templates was reached. | Create no more than 100 SMS templates. |
400 | SMN.0155 | Parameter: SmsTemplateType is invalid. | Invalid sms_template_type. | Specify a valid sms_template_type. |
400 | SMN.0156 | Parameter: SmsTemplateName is invalid. | Invalid sms_template_name. | Specify a valid sms_template_name. |
400 | SMN.0157 | Parameter: SmsTemplateContent is invalid. | Invalid sms_template_content. | Specify a valid sms_template_content. |
400 | SMN.0159 | The number of endpoints has reached the maximum allowed. | Endpoints reached the quota. | Enter no more than 1,000 phone numbers. |
400 | SMN.0160 | Invalid endpoint. | Invalid endpoint. | Specify a valid endpoint. |
400 | SMN.0161 | Invalid SMS template ID. | Invalid sms_template_id. | Specify a valid sms_template_id. |
400 | SMN.0188 | Invalid SMS template type. | Invalid SMS template type. | The template must be a promotional SMS template. |
400 | SMN.0189 | Failed to obtain the certificate required for reviewing the SMS message template function. | Failed to obtain the certificate required for viewing the SMS message template. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0191 | Parameter: Invalid enterprise name. | Invalid enterprise name. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0192 | Parameter: Invalid enterprise certificate ID. | Invalid enterprise certificate ID. | Contact technical support. |
400 | SMN.0204 | Promotional SMS messages must contain the way to unsubscribe in the end, for example, by replying "TD", or "T". | Promotional SMS messages must include content at the end explaining how recipients can unsubscribe, for example, by replying "unsubscribe". | Promotional SMS messages must include content at the end explaining how recipients can unsubscribe, for example, by replying "unsubscribe". |
400 | SMN.0215 | The SMS message signature ID does not match the signature name in the SMS message template content. | The SMS message signature ID does not match the signature name in sms_template_content. | Specify a signature ID that matches the signature name in sms_template_content. |
400 | SMN.0216 | The template content does not include any valid SMS message signature. | No valid SMS message signature in the template Content. | Specify a valid signature in the template Content. |
400 | SMN.0217 | The template content does not include any SMS message signature. | No SMS message signature in sms_template_content. | sms_template_content must contain an approved and available signature, for example, [XX mall]. |
400 | SMN.0224 | The SMS message template is invalid because the associated signature has been deleted. | The SMS template has expired due to the deletion of the associated signature. | Specify a valid sms_template_id. |
400 | SMN.0227 | The message contains sensitive words. | Sensitive words contained in the message content. | Modify the message content. |
400 | SMN.0230 | Parameter: Invalid title. | Invalid title. | Specify a valid title. |
400 | SMN.0261 | Check whether your account balance is sufficient and top up your account if necessary. | Your account balance may be insufficient. | Check the account balance and top up your account if necessary. |
403 | SMN.0001 | No permission to request resources. | No permissions for the requested resource. | Request the required permissions. |
403 | SMN.0004 | Exceeded topic limit. | Topics exceeded the maximum number allowed. | Create no more than 3,000 topics. |
403 | SMN.0007 | Exceeded subscription limit. | Subscriptions exceeded the maximum number allowed. | Add no more than 10,000 subscriptions to a topic. |
403 | SMN.0008 | Parameter: Subject is invalid. | Invalid subject. | Specify a valid subject. |
403 | SMN.0009 | Parameter: Message is invalid. | Invalid message. | Specify a valid message. |
403 | SMN.0022 | Parameter: token is invalid. | Invalid token. | Specify a valid token. |
403 | SMN.00308 | Policy doesn't allow {} to be performed. | The policy cannot be executed. | Check the SMN permissions. |
403 | SMN.0047 | Parameter: Value exceeds the maximum length. | value exceeds the maximum length. | Specify a valid value. |
403 | SMN.0057 | The number of SMS messages exceeds the limit. | The maximum number of SMS messages has been reached. | Send no more than 60 SMS messages to a phone number within 1 hour and no more than 200 within 12 hours. |
403 | SMN.0065 | The number of email messages exceeds the limit. | The maximum number of email messages has been reached. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0069 | Not authorized to subscribe internal endpoints. | Subscription endpoint not authorized. | Specify a correct HTTP/HTTPS endpoint. |
403 | SMN.0070 | No permission to request resources. The role is op_restricted. Contact customer service. | No permissions for the requested resource. Operation permissions limited. | Check the account balance and top up your account if necessary. If the fault persists, contact customer service. |
403 | SMN.0071 | No permission to request resources. The role is op_suspended. | No permissions for the requested resource. Your role is suspended. | Check whether your account has been frozen. |
403 | SMN.0075 | Parameter: tags are too many. | The maximum allowed number of tags has been reached. | Enter no more than 90 non-repeated variables in the message template. |
403 | SMN.0078 | The maximum number of subscriptions has been reached. | The maximum allowed number of subscriptions has been reached. | Create a topic. |
403 | SMN.0083 | Finish real-name authentication before continuing. | The real-name authentication is not completed. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0086 | The number allocated to the SMS message signature has reached the maximum allowed. | The maximum allowed number of SMS message signatures has been reached. | Create no more than 10 SMS message signatures. |
403 | SMN.0099 | The SMN service has not been authorized to send messages to this queue. | SMN is not authorized to send messages to this queue. | Grant permissions to SMN in the queue policy. |
403 | SMN.0116 | Platform not supported. | Unsupported platform. | Specify a supported platform. |
403 | SMN.0117 | Certificate type is not supported. | Unsupported certificate type. | Specify a supported certificate type. |
403 | SMN.0119 | PlatformPrinciple must be at most 8192 bytes long in UTF-8 encoding. | UTF-8 encoded platform_principle exceeded 8,192 bytes. | Specify a valid, UTF-8 encoded value for platform_principle that does not exceed 8,192 bytes. |
403 | SMN.0120 | PlatformCredential must be at most 8192 bytes long in UTF-8 encoding. | UTF-8 encoded platform_credential must not exceed 8,192 bytes. | Specify a valid, UTF-8 encoded value for platform_credential that does not exceed 8,192 bytes. |
403 | SMN.0127 | File is too large. | Excessive file size. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0128 | Password is empty. | Password not specified. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0131 | The value of the Token parameter is invalid. | Invalid token. | Specify a valid token. |
403 | SMN.0147 | Only enterprise users who use the certificate images for authentication can create message signatures. | Only enterprise users who use certificates for identity authentication can create message signatures. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0153 | Only enterprise users can create SMS message Template. | Only enterprise users can create SMS templates. | Complete enterprise authentication. |
403 | SMN.0154 | Only enterprise users who use the certificate images for authentication can create sms message templates. | Only enterprise users who use certificates for identity authentication can create SMS templates. | Contact technical support. |
403 | SMN.0165 | Parameter: tenant_token is invalid. | Invalid tenant_token. | Specify a valid tenant_token. |
403 | SMN.0195 | Complete enterprise real-name authentication first. | The real-name authentication is not completed. | Complete real-name authentication. |
403 | SMN.0228 | Do not have permission to use this API. Contact customer service to apply for permission. | No permissions to use this API. | Contact technical support to apply for permissions required to use this API. |
404 | SMN.0006 | Topic not found. | Topic not found. | Create a topic. |
404 | SMN.0013 | Subscription resource not found. | No subscription endpoint found. | Specify a valid subscription endpoint. |
404 | SMN.0027 | Template not found. | Template not found. | Use an existing template. |
404 | SMN.0045 | Attribute not found. | Attribute not found. | Specify a valid attribute. |
404 | SMN.0060 | Job not found. | Failed to query the job. | Contact technical support. |
404 | SMN.0063 | Cloud service not found. | Cloud service not found. | Contact technical support. |
404 | SMN.0068 | System parameter not found. | System parameter not found. | Contact technical support. |
404 | SMN.0076 | Default message template not found. | The message template using the Default protocol is not found. | Create a message template using the Default protocol. |
404 | SMN.0084 | The SMS message signature could not be found. | SMS message signature not found. | Specify an approved SMS message signature. |
404 | SMN.0091 | Default system message template not found. | The message template using the Default protocol is not found. | Create a system template using the Default protocol. |
404 | SMN.0096 | Kafka not found. | Kafka not found. | Contact technical support. |
404 | SMN.0098 | This queue does not exist. | The queue is not found. | Specify a valid DMS queue. |
404 | SMN.0101 | The graph does not exist in the functiongraph service. | The function does not exist in FunctionGraph. | Check whether the FunctionGraph endpoint is valid. |
404 | SMN.0109 | Start date is not found. | start_date not found. | start_date must be specified. |
404 | SMN.0111 | End date is not found. | end_date not found. | end_date must be specified. |
404 | SMN.0122 | Application not found. | Application not found. | Specify a different application name. |
404 | SMN.0125 | Endpoint does not exist. | The endpoint is not found. | Specify a valid application endpoint. |
404 | SMN.0130 | The application does not exist. | The application platform is not found. | Specify a valid application_urn. |
404 | SMN.0162 | SMS template not found. | The SMS template is not found. | Specify a valid SMS template. |
404 | SMN.0167 | Phone number does not exist. | The phone number is not found. | Specify a valid phone number. |
404 | SMN.0168 | Email Address does not exist. | The email address is not found. | Specify a valid email address. |
500 | SMN.0016 | Database Exceptions. | Database exception. | Contact technical support. |
500 | SMN.0018 | Service internal error. | Internal service error. | Contact technical support. |
500 | SMN.0089 | An error occurred in the BSS system. Try again later. | BSS error. Try again later. | Contact technical support. |
500 | SMN.0158 | Failed to upload the file. | Failed to upload the file. | Contact technical support. |