
Permission Description

Permissions are user management and cloud service management permissions. User management involves creating, deleting, and modifying users and granting permissions to users. Cloud service management involves creating, viewing, modifying, and deleting resources of cloud services. After granting user management and cloud service management permissions to a user group, the users added to the user group can inherit permissions of the user group. User group-specific permissions simplify permission management.

Permission Relationship


Default Permissions

The system provides two types of default permissions: user management and cloud service management.

Table 1 User management permissions

Node Name

Permission Name



Security Administrator

Users with this permission can:

  • Create, delete, and modify users.

  • Grant permissions to users.


Agent Operator

Users with this permission can switch to an entrusted user for processing services.


Currently, policies only support fine-grained authorizationof ECS, EVS, and VPC. ECS Admin, ECS User, ECS Viewer, EVS Admin, EVS Viewer,VPC Admin, and VPC Viewer are preset fine-grained authorization policies.

Table 2 User group for cloud service management

Permission Name

Managed Cloud Resource


Agent Operator

Identity and Access Management

Permissions for switching roles to access resources of delegating accounts.

AutoScaling Administrator

Auto Scaling

Full permissions for all AS resources. This role must be used together with the Tenant Guest, Server Administrator, ELB Administrator and CES Administrator roles in the same project.

AutoScaling FullAccess

Auto Scaling

All operation permissions on all AS resources.

AutoScaling ReadOnlyAccess

Auto Scaling

Read-only permissions on all AS resources.

CTS Administrator

Cloud Trace Service

Full permissions for CTS. This policy depends on the Tenant Guest policy in the same project and the Tenant Administrator policy in the OBS project.

DNS Administrator

Domain Name Service

Full permissions for DNS. This role must be used together with the Tenant Guest and VPC Administrator roles in the same project.

DNS FullAccess

Domain Name Service

Full permissions for DNS.

DNS ReadOnlyAccess

Domain Name Service

Read-only permissions for DNS. Users granted these permissions can only view DNS resources.

ECS Admin

Elastic Cloud Server

All ECS operation permissions, including creating, deleting, and viewing ECSs and modifying ECS specifications.

ECS User

Elastic Cloud Server

General operation permissions on ECSs (such as viewing and restarting ECSs), but not advanced operation permissions (such as creating or deleting ECSs, or reinstalling/changing ECS OSs).

ECS Viewer

Elastic Cloud Server

ECS real-only permissions, such as viewing ECSs.

EVS Admin

Elastic Volume Service

All EVS operation permissions, including creating, deleting, and viewing EVS disks and modifying EVS disk specifications.

EVS Viewer

Elastic Volume Service

EVS read-only permission, such as viewing EVS disks and EVS disk details.

IMS Administrator

Image Management Service

Permissions to create, modify, delete, and share images. The permissions depend on the Server Administrator and OBS Tenant Administrator permissions.

  • To create an image using an ECS, users need to configure this permission as well as the Server Administrator permission.

  • To create an image using an image file, users need to configure this permission as well as the OBS Tenant Guest permission.

  • To export an image, users need to configure this permission as well as the OBS Tenant Administrator permission.

  • To query predefined tags when adding a tag to an image or searching for an image by tag, users need to configure this permission as well as the TMS Administrator permission.

KMS Administrator

Key Management Service

Users with this set of permissions can perform administrator operations on KMS.

NAT Gateway Administrator

NAT Gateway

Permissions to create, delete, modify, and query all resources of the NAT Gateway service. The permissions depend on the Tenant Guest permission. If a NAT user needs resources, including VPCs, subnets, and EIPs, to create NAT gateways, the VPC Administrator and Server Administrator permissions are required.

RDS Administrator

Relational Database Service

Users who have this right, plus Tenant Guest and Server Administrator rights, can perform any operations on RDS, including creating, deleting, rebooting, or scaling up DB instances, configuring database parameters, and restoring DB instances.

Users who have this right but not the Tenant Guest or Server Administrator right cannot use RDS.


  • Users who have the VPC Administrator right can create VPCs or subnets.

  • Users who have the CES Administrator right can add or modify alarm rules for DB instances.

RTS Administrator

Resource Template Service

Permissions to create, modify, and delete resource stacks.

Security Administrator


Full permissions for IAM.

Server Administrator


  • For the EVS service, users with this permission can create, modify, and delete EVS disks.

  • For the ECS service, users with this permission can create, modify, and delete ECSs. This role must be used together with the Tenant Guest role in the same project.

  • For the VPC service, users with this permission and the Tenant Guest permission can perform all operations on security groups, security group rules, ports, firewalls, elastic IP addresses (EIPs), and bandwidth.

  • For the IMS service, users with this permission can create, delete, query, and modify images. This role must be used together with the IMS Administrator role in the same project.

SMN Administrator

Simple Message Notification

Permissions to:

  • Create, modify, delete, and view topics.

  • Create, delete, and view subscriptions.

  • Create, modify, delete, and view message templates.

Tenant Administrator


Permissions required to perform operations on all cloud resources of an enterprise.

Tenant Guest


Permissions required to query the usage of all cloud resources of an enterprise.

TMS Administrator

Tag Management Service

Users with this permission can create, modify, and delete predefined tags.

TMS Administrator

Tag Management Service

Full permissions for TMS. This role must be used together with the Tenant Guest, Server Administrator, IMS Administrator, AutoScaling Administrator, VPC Administrator, VBS Administrator and Tenant Administrator role in the same project.

VPC Administrator

Virtual Private Cloud

All permissions on VPC. To be granted the permissions, users must also have the permissions of Tenant Guest and Server Administrator.

VPC FullAccess

Virtual Private Cloud

All permissions of VPC service.

VPC ReadOnlyAccess

Virtual Private Cloud

The read-only permissions to all VPC resources, which can be used for statistics and survey.