Rolling Back Data from a Snapshot


If the data on an EVS disk is incorrect or damaged, you can roll back the data from a snapshot to the source disk to restore data. Snapshot rollback has the following constraints:


  • A snapshot can be rolled back only to its source disk. Rollback to another disk is not possible.

  • A snapshot can be rolled back only when the snapshot status is Available and the source disk status is Available (not attached to any server) or Rollback failed.

  • A snapshot whose name starts with autobk_snapshot_vbs_, manualbk_snapshot_vbs_, autobk_snapshot_csbs_, or manualbk_snapshot_csbs_ is automatically generated by the system during backup. Such a snapshot can only be viewed. It cannot be used to roll back the disk data.


  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Under Storage, click Elastic Volume Service.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Elastic Volume Service > Snapshots.

    The snapshot list page is displayed.

  4. In the snapshot list, locate the row that contains the target snapshot and click Roll Back Disk in the Operation column.

  5. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes.

  6. The snapshot list is displayed. After the snapshot status changes from Rolling back to Available, the data rollback is successful.