ECS Types

The cloud platform provides the following types of ECSs:

  • General-purpose

ECS Flavor Naming Rules

ECS flavors are named in the "AB.C.D" format.

Example: s2.medium.4

The format is defined as follows:

  • A specifies the ECS type. For example, s indicates a general-purpose ECS, c a general computing-plus ECS, and m a memory-optimized ECS.

  • B specifies the type ID. For example, 3 in s3 indicates the third-generation general-purpose ECS.

  • C specifies the flavor size, such as medium, large, xlarge, 2xlarge, 4xlarge, or 8xlarge.

  • D specifies the ratio of memory to vCPUs expressed in a digit. For example, value 4 indicates that the ratio of memory to vCPUs is 4.


The ECS processor uses the hyper-threading technology. The CPU exposes two execution contexts per physical core. This means that one physical core now works like two "logical cores" that can handle different software threads.

For example, a 10-core physical CPU contains 20 vCPUs (threads).

Network QoS

Network QoS uses basic technologies to improve the quality of network communication. A network with QoS enabled offers predictable network performance and effectively allocates network bandwidth to use network resources.

The intranet bandwidth and PPS of an ECS are determined based on ECS flavors.

  • Assured intranet bandwidth: indicates the guaranteed bandwidth allocated to an ECS when network bandwidth contention occurs in the entire network.

  • Maximum intranet bandwidth: indicates the maximum bandwidth that can be allocated to an ECS when the ECS does not compete for network bandwidth (other ECSs on the host do not have high requirements on network bandwidth).

  • Maximum intranet PPS: maximum number of packets that the ECS can transmit and receive per second

  • NIC multi-queues: allocates NIC interrupt requests to multiple vCPUs for higher PPS performance and bandwidth

  • Maximum NICs: maximum number of NICs that can be attached to an ECS.
