Backing Up ECS Data


CBR enhances data integrity and service continuity. For example, if an ECS or EVS disk is faulty or a misoperation causes data loss, you can use data backups to quickly restore data. This section describes how to back up ECSs and EVS disks.

For more information, CBR Architecture, Backup Mechanism, and Backup Options.

You can back up ECS data using Cloud Server Backup or Cloud Disk Backup.

  • Cloud Server Backup (recommended): Use this backup function if you want to back up the data of all EVS disks (system and data disks) on an ECS. This prevents data inconsistency caused by time difference in creating a backup.

  • Cloud Disk Backup: Use this backup function if you want to back up the data of one or more EVS disks (system or data disk) on an ECS. This minimizes backup costs on the basis of data security.

ECS Backup Procedure

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select your region and project.

  3. Under Computing, click Elastic Cloud Server.

  4. Locate the row that contains the target ECS and choose More > Manage Image/Disk/Backup > Create Image in the Operation column.

    • If the ECS has been associated with a vault, configure the backup information as prompted.

      • Server List: The ECS to be backed up is selected by default.

      • Name: Customize your backup name.

      • Description: Supplementary information about the backup.

      • Full Backup: If this option is selected, the system will perform full backup for the ECS to be associated. The storage capacity used by the backup increases accordingly.

    • If the ECS is not associated with a vault, buy a vault first and then configure the backup information as prompted.

      For details, see Cloud Backup and Recovery User Guide.

  5. Click OK. The system automatically creates a backup for the ECS.

    On the Backups tab page, if the status of the backup is Available, the backup task is successful.

    The ECS can be restarted if the backup progress of an ECS exceeds 10%. However, to ensure data integrity, restart it after the backup is complete.

EVS Disk Backup Procedure

  1. Log in to the management console.

  2. Click image2 in the upper left corner and select your region and project.

  3. Under Computing, click Elastic Cloud Server.

  4. Locate the row that contains the target ECS. Click More in the Operation column and select Create Backup.

    • If the ECS has been associated with a vault, configure the backup information as prompted.

      • Server List: The ECS to be backed up is selected by default. Click image3 to view the disks attached to the ECSs. Select the disks to be backed up.

      • Name: Customize your backup name.

      • Description: Supplementary information about the backup.

      • Full Backup: If this option is selected, the system will perform full backup for the disks to be associated. The storage capacity used by the backup increases accordingly.

    • If the ECS is not associated with a vault, buy a vault first and then configure the backup information as prompted.

      For details, see Cloud Backup and Recovery User Guide.

  5. Click OK. The system automatically creates a backup for the disk.

    On the Backups tab page, if the status of the backup is Available, the backup task is successful.

    If some files are deleted from the disk during the backup, the deleted files may fail to be backed up. Therefore, to ensure data integrity, delete the target data after the backup is complete.