Establishing Network Connectivity


Connect your on-premises data center to your VPC using Direct Connect if cloud servers in your VPC need to communicate with your on-premises servers.


  1. Request a connection.

    1. Collect the information listed in Table 1.

      Table 1 Information required for requesting a connection



      Example Value

      Domain Name

      Your account name.

      1. Hover the cursor over the username in the upper right corner and select My Credentials from the drop-down list.

      2. On the My Credentials page, view the Domain Name.


      Project ID

      Project ID. Perform the following operations to obtain the project ID.

      1. Hover the cursor over the username in the upper right corner and select My Credentials from the drop-down list.

      2. In the lower part of the My Credentials page, locate the project.

      3. View the project ID.



      The carrier that provides the connection.



      Region where the connection is created. Perform the following steps to view the region.

      1. Log in to the management console.

      2. Check the information in the upper left corner.

        The part in the red box is the region.

        **Figure 1** Region

        Figure 1 Region



      Location where the connection will be terminated.


      Port Type

      Port type. The value can be 1GE or 10GE.

      1GE or 10GE


      Bandwidth of the connection in the unit of Mbit/s.

      • If Port Type is set to 1GE, the bandwidth ranges from 2 Mbit/s to 1000 Mbit/s.

      • If Port Type is set to 10GE, the bandwidth ranges from 2 Mbit/s to 10,000 Mbit/s.

      100 Mbit/s


      Connection name. The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) are allowed.


    2. Submit a request using any of the following methods:

      • Email: Send us an email with the title "Applying for Enabling the Direct Connect Service".

      • Hotline: Call us and provide the collected information to our customer service.

      • Contact our sales representative and provide the collected information to our sales representative.

    3. Wait for the notification by email or from our customer service or sales representative.

  2. Create a virtual gateway.

    1. After the connection is created, log in to the management console.

    2. Click image1 in the upper left corner and select a region and project.

    3. In the service list, choose Network > Direct Connect.

    4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Direct Connect > Virtual Gateways.

    5. Click Create Virtual Gateway.

    6. Configure the parameters.

      **Figure 2** Create Virtual Gateway

      Figure 2 Create Virtual Gateway

      Table 2 Parameters for creating a virtual gateway




      Specifies the virtual gateway name.

      The name can contain 1 to 64 characters.

      Only digits, letters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.) are allowed.


      Specifies the VPC you want to access using the connection.

      Subnet CIDR Block

      Specifies the VPC subnets that can be accessed by the on-premises data center or network over the connection. Both IPv4 subnets and IPv6 subnets are supported.

      You can enter one or more CIDR blocks and separate every entry with a comma (,).


      Provides supplementary information about the virtual gateway.

      You can enter 0 to 128 characters.

    7. Click OK.

  3. Create a virtual interface.

    1. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Direct Connect > Virtual Interfaces.

    2. Click Create Virtual Interface.

    3. Configure the parameters.

      **Figure 3** Creating a virtual interface

      Figure 3 Creating a virtual interface

      Table 3 Parameters for creating a virtual interface




      Specifies the region where the connection resides. You can also change the region in the upper left corner of the console.


      Specifies the virtual interface name.

      The name can contain 1 to 64 characters.

      Only digits, letters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.) are allowed.


      Specifies the connection you use to connect your on-premises network to the cloud.

      Virtual Gateway

      Specifies the virtual gateway to which the virtual interface will connect.


      Specifies the virtual interface VLAN ID.

      The value ranges from 0 to 3999.

      0 indicates the Layer 3 routing mode. Only one virtual interface can be created for each connection.

      You need to configure the VLAN if you create a standard connection.


      Specifies the bandwidth that can be used by the virtual interface, in Mbit/s. The maximum bandwidth of a virtual interface cannot exceed that of the connection.

      IP Address Family

      Specifies the IP version of the virtual interface peer. The value can be IPv4 or IPv6.


      The IP address type of the peer must be the same as that of the virtual gateway to be associated with the virtual interface to ensure normal network communication.

      Local Gateway

      Specifies the IP address for connecting to the cloud network.

      If you select IPv4 for IP Address Family, the local gateway must be in the same IP address range as the remote gateway. Generally, a 30-bit mask is recommended.

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 1050:326b::/64

      Remote Gateway

      Specifies the IP address for connecting to your on-premises network.

      If you select IPv4 for IP Address Family, the local gateway must be in the same IP address range as the remote gateway. Generally, a 30-bit mask is recommended.

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 1060:326b::/64

      Remote Subnet

      Subnets of your on-premises network.

      Enter one or more unique subnets using CIDR notation and separate each entry with a comma. You can enter up to 50 subnets.

      Example IPv4 subnets:,

      Example IPv6 subnets: 1050:326b::/64,1250:5:300c::/64



      • Remote subnets cannot overlap with local subnets.

      • Using as the remote subnet may cause services such as OBS, DNS, and API Gateway to become unavailable.

      Routing Mode

      Specifies the routing mode. Two options are available, Static and BGP.

      If there are two or more connections, select BGP routing.

      BGP ASN

      Specifies the ASN of the BGP peer.

      This parameter is mandatory when you select BGP routing.

      The value ranges from 1 to 4294967295. Do not use 64512, because it is used by the cloud.

      BGP MD5 Authentication Key

      Specifies the password used to authenticate the BGP peer using MD5. The value is case sensitive and cannot contain spaces.

      This parameter is mandatory when you select BGP routing. You must ensure that the passwords on both gateways are the same.

      • The password can contain 8 to 255 characters.

      • The password must contain at least two types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters ~`!, .:;-_?"(){}[]/@#$ %^&*+|\=


      Provides supplementary information about the virtual interface.


      When you configure the local and remote gateways, note the following:

      • Local gateway is used by the cloud for connecting to your on-premises network. After you configure Local Gateway on the console, the configuration will be automatically delivered to the gateway used by the cloud.

      • Remote gateway is used by your on-premises network for connecting to the cloud. After you configure Remote Gateway on the console, you also need to configure the gateway deployed in your equipment room.

      • The local gateway must be in the same CIDR block as the remote gateway, and this CIDR block cannot conflict with the local subnet configured on the virtual gateway or the remote subnet configured on the virtual interface.

    4. Click Create Now.