API Overview

You can use all DeH functions by making calls to the APIs provided by the DeH service, for example, allocating DeHs, querying the DeH list, viewing DeH details, and releasing a DeH.

Table 1 APIs



Allocating DeHs

Allocate one or more DeHs and set required parameters, such as the flavor, AZ, and quantity. The number of allocatable DeHs depends on the DeH quota owned by the tenant.

Querying DeHs

Query the DeH list. You can add parameters such as flavor, dedicated_host_id, and state to the URI to filter the result.

Querying Details About a DeH

Query details about a DeH, such as its name, AZ, number of available vCPUs, and available memory size.

Querying ECSs on a DeH

Query information about the ECSs deployed on a DeH, such as the names, IDs, and status of the ECSs.

Modifying DeH Attributes

Change the name of a DeH and enable or disable the auto placement function. After auto placement is enabled, ECSs can be automatically scheduled to this DeH.

Releasing a DeH

Released a DeH that is no longer used.

Querying Available DeH Types

Query available DeH types in an AZ.

Querying API Versions

Query all available API versions and the versions of specified APIs.

DeH Tag Management

Add or delete tags for DeHs and query DeHs by tag.

Quota Configuration

Query the DeH quota of a tenant.


For details about the APIs for creating ECSs on DeHs, see the Elastic Cloud Server API Reference.