Creating a Custom Template

  1. On the Alarm Templates page, click Create Custom Template.

  2. In the Configure Template step, specify the parameters listed in Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameters



    Resource Type

    Specifies the type of the resource the alarm rule is created for.

    Example value: Elastic Cloud Server


    Specifies the metric dimension of the selected resource type.

    Example value: ECSs

    Import Template

    • Enable

      Select an existing template, then you can use or modify default alarm rules contained in the selected alarm template.

    • Disable

      Manually add one or more alarm rules.

  3. Click Next to go to the Add Alarm Rule step. Specify parameters listed in Table 2. You can add one or more rules to the alarm template.

    Table 2 Configuring alarm rules




    For example:

    • CPU Usage

      Indicates the CPU usage of the monitored object in percent.

    • Memory Usage

      Indicates the memory usage of the monitored object in percent.

    Alarm Policy

    Specifies the policy for triggering an alarm.

    For example, an alarm is triggered if the average value of the monitored metric is 80% or more for three consecutive 5-minute periods.

    Alarm Severity

    Specifies the alarm severity, which can be Critical, Major, Minor, or Informational.


    When the number of the alarm policies is two or more, you can delete alarm policies.

  4. Click Next to go to the Specify Template Details step. Specify parameters listed in Table 3.

    Table 3 Configuring template information




    Specifies the custom template name. The system generates a random name, which you can modify.

    Example value: alarmTemplate-ku0x


    (Optional) Provides supplementary information about the alarm template.

  5. Click Finish.