Querying All Backups¶
This API is used to query all backups.
GET /v3/{project_id}/backups
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Project ID |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
checkpoint_id | No | String | Restore point ID |
dec | No | Boolean | Dedicated cloud tag, which only takes effect in dedicated cloud scenarios |
end_time | No | String | Time when the backup ends, in %YYYY-%mm-%ddT%HH:%MM:%SSZ format. For example, 2018-02-01T12:00:00Z. |
image_type | No | String | Backup type, which is backup. |
incremental | No | Boolean | Whether incremental backup is used Default: false |
limit | No | Integer | Number of records displayed per page. The value must be a positive integer. |
marker | No | String | ID of the last record displayed on the previous page |
member_status | No | String | Backup sharing status Enumeration values:
name | No | String | Backup name |
offset | No | Integer | Offset value. The value must be a positive integer. |
own_type | No | String | Owning type of a backup. private backups are queried by default. Default: private Enumeration values:
parent_id | No | String | Parent backup ID |
resource_az | No | String | AZ-based filtering is supported. |
resource_id | No | String | Resource ID |
resource_name | No | String | Resource name |
resource_type | No | String | Resource type, which can be OS::Nova::Server or OS::Cinder::Volume |
sort | No | String | A group of properties separated by commas (,) and sorting directions. The value is in the format of <key1>[:<direction>],<key2>[:<direction>], where the value of direction is asc (ascending order) or desc (descending order). If a direction is not specified, the default sorting direction is desc. The value of sort can contain a maximum of 255 characters. The key can be as follows: created_at, updated_at, name, status, protected_at, id |
start_time | No | String | Time when the backup starts, in %YYYY-%mm-%ddT%HH:%MM:%SSZ format. For example, 2018-02-01T12:00:00Z. |
status | No | String | Status When the API is called, multiple statuses can be transferred for filtering, for example, status=available&status=error. Enumeration values:
used_percent | No | String | Backups are filtered based on the occupied vault capacity. The value ranges from 1 to 100. For example, if used_percent is set to 80, all backups who occupied 80% or more of the vault capacity are displayed. |
vault_id | No | String | Vault ID |
Request Parameters¶
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
X-Auth-Token | Yes | String | User token The token can be obtained by calling the IAM API used to obtain a user token. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Response Parameters¶
Status code: 200
Parameter | Type | Description |
backups | Array of BackupResp objects | Backup list |
count | Integer | Number of backups |
offset | Integer | Offset where the query starts Minimum: 0 Default: 0 |
limit | Integer | Number of records displayed on each page Minimum: 1 Maximum: 1000 Default: 1000 |
Parameter | Type | Description |
checkpoint_id | String | Restore point ID |
created_at | String | Creation time, for example, 2020-02-05T10:38:34.209782 |
description | String | Backup description |
expired_at | String | Expiration time, for example, 2020-02-05T10:38:34.209782 |
extend_info | BackupExtendInfo object | Extended information |
id | String | Backup ID |
image_type | String | Backup type, which is backup. |
name | String | Backup name |
parent_id | String | Parent backup ID |
project_id | String | Project ID |
protected_at | String | Backup time |
resource_az | String | Resource availability zone |
resource_id | String | Resource ID |
resource_name | String | Resource name |
resource_size | Integer | Resource size, in GB |
resource_type | String | Resource type, which can be OS::Nova::Server or OS::Cinder::Volume |
status | String | Backup status Enumeration values:
updated_at | String | Update time, for example, 2020-02-05T10:38:34.209782 |
vault_id | String | Vault ID |
children | Array of BackupResp objects | Backup list |
Parameter | Type | Description |
auto_trigger | Boolean | Whether the backup is automatically generated |
bootable | Boolean | Whether the backup is a system disk backup |
incremental | Boolean | Whether incremental backup is used |
snapshot_id | String | Snapshot ID of the disk backup |
support_lld | Boolean | Whether to allow lazyloading for fast restoration |
supported_restore_mode | String | Restoration mode. Possible values are na, snapshot, and backup. snapshot indicates the backup can be used to create a full-server image. backup indicates the data is restored from backups of the EVS disks of the server. na indicates the backup can only be used to create new resources but cannot be used for restoration. Default: na Enumeration values:
os_images_data | Array of ImageData objects | ID list of images created using backups |
contain_system_disk | Boolean | Whether the VM backup data contains system disk data |
encrypted | Boolean | Whether the backup is encrypted |
system_disk | Boolean | Whether the disk is a system disk |
Parameter | Type | Description |
image_id | String | Image ID |
Example Requests¶
Querying all backups
GET https://{endpoint}/v3/{project_id}/backups
Example Responses¶
Status code: 200
"count" : 2,
"backups" : [ {
"provider_id" : "0daac4c5-6707-4851-97ba-169e36266b66",
"checkpoint_id" : "1fced58b-2a31-4851-bcbb-96216f83ce99",
"updated_at" : "2020-02-21T07:07:25.114+00:00",
"vault_id" : "cca85ea5-00a4-418d-9222-bd83985bc515",
"id" : "b1c4afd9-e7a6-4888-9010-c2bac3aa7910",
"resource_az" : "br-iaas-odin1a",
"image_type" : "backup",
"resource_id" : "1a503932-ee8f-4dd5-8248-8dfb57e584c5",
"resource_size" : 40,
"children" : [ ],
"extend_info" : {
"auto_trigger" : true,
"supported_restore_mode" : "backup",
"contain_system_disk" : true,
"support_lld" : true,
"system_disk" : false
"project_id" : "0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564",
"status" : "available",
"resource_name" : "test001-02",
"description" : "",
"expired_at" : "2020-05-21T07:00:54.060+00:00",
"name" : "autobk_b629",
"created_at" : "2020-02-21T07:00:54.065+00:00",
"resource_type" : "OS::Nova::Server"
}, {
"provider_id" : "d1603440-187d-4516-af25-121250c7cc97",
"checkpoint_id" : "f64c351f-769f-4c04-8806-fd90a59e9b12",
"updated_at" : "2020-02-21T07:09:37.767+00:00",
"vault_id" : "79bd9daa-884f-4f84-b8fe-235d58cd927d",
"id" : "5606aab5-2dc2-4498-8144-dc848d099af5",
"resource_az" : "br-iaas-odin1a",
"image_type" : "backup",
"resource_id" : "54f7ccbc-072f-4ec5-a7b7-b24dabdb4539",
"resource_size" : 40,
"children" : [ ],
"extend_info" : {
"auto_trigger" : true,
"snapshot_id" : "e3def9a8-e4b4-4c12-b132-f4ba8ce9a34f",
"bootable" : true,
"support_lld" : true,
"encrypted" : false,
"system_disk" : false
"project_id" : "0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564",
"status" : "available",
"resource_name" : "qsy_000",
"description" : "",
"expired_at" : "2020-03-22T07:00:34.878+00:00",
"name" : "autobk_6809",
"created_at" : "2020-02-21T07:00:34.882+00:00",
"resource_type" : "OS::Cinder::Volume"
} ]
Status Codes¶
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.