Example 1: Creating an ECS Backup


You can back up resources including cloud servers and disks. This section uses an ECS as an example to describe how to create a cloud server backup by calling APIs. For details on how to call APIs, see Calling APIs.

Involved APIs

To create a cloud server backup, you need to create a vault for storing backups, associate the target server with the vault, and then back up the server. The following APIs are required:

  • Creating a Vault: Create a container for storing backups.

  • Associating Resources: Determine the cloud server or disk to be backed up.

  • Creating a Restore Point: Create a backup.

  • Querying a Restore Point: Confirm that a backup has been created.


  1. Create a vault.

    1. Create a vault with simple configurations.

      • API

        URI format: POST /v3/{project_id}/vaults

        For details, see "Creating a Vault".

      • Sample request

        POST: https://{endpoint}/v3/{project_id}/vaults

        Obtain the value of {endpoint} from the administrator.


            "vault": {
                   "billing": {
                          "cloud_type": "public",
                          "consistent_level": "crash_consistent",
                          "object_type": "server",
                          "protect_type": "backup",
                          "size": 200
                   "name": "my_vault",
                   "resources": []
      • Sample response

            "vault": {
                "id": "ea7b8717-2543-478a-a92d-3ca7ee448f67",
                "name": "my_vault",
                "description": null,
                "resources": [],
                "provider_id": "0daac4c5-6707-4851-97ba-169e36266b66",
                "created_at": "2020-08-17T03:51:24.678916",
                "project_id": "0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564",
                "enterprise_project_id": "0",
                "auto_bind": false,
                "bind_rules": {},
                "user_id": "aa2999fa5ae640f28926f8fd79188934",
                "billing": {
                    "allocated": 0,
                    "cloud_type": "public",
                    "consistent_level": "crash_consistent",
                    "frozen_scene": null,
                    "charging_mode": "post_paid",
                    "order_id": null,
                    "product_id": null,
                    "protect_type": "backup",
                    "object_type": "server",
                    "spec_code": "vault.backup.server.normal",
                    "used": 0,
                    "storage_unit": null,
                    "status": "available",
                    "size": 200
                "tags": []
  2. Associate a server or disk with the vault.

    1. Associate resources.

      • API

        URI format: POST /v3/{project_id}/vaults/{vault_id}/addresources

        For details, see "Associating Resources".

      • Sample request

        POST: https://{endpoint}/v3/0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564 /vaults/ea7b8717-2543-478a-a92d-3ca7ee448f67/addresources

        Obtain the value of {endpoint} from the administrator.


            "resources": [{
                   "id": "e8cc6bfd-d324-4b88-9109-9fb0ba70676f",
                   "type": "OS::Nova::Server",
                   "name": "server-4690-0002"
      • Sample response

            "add_resource_ids": [
    2. In the request body, select the ID of an ECS that is in the Running state and has not been associated with a vault.

  3. Create a restore point.

    1. Create a restore point.

      • API

        URI format: POST /v3/{project_id}/checkpoints

        For details, see "Creating a Restore Point".

      • Sample request

        POST: https://{endpoint}/v3/0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564/checkpoints

        Obtain the value of {endpoint} from the administrator.


            "checkpoint": {
                "parameters": {
                    "auto_trigger": false,
                    "description": "backupauto",
                    "incremental": true,
                    "name": "backup_auto",
                    "resources": ["e8cc6bfd-d324-4b88-9109-9fb0ba70676f"]
                "vault_id": "ea7b8717-2543-478a-a92d-3ca7ee448f67"
      • Sample response

            "checkpoint": {
                "id": "d9ce6924-d753-4132-bd16-a9f8838ea7d2",
                "project_id": "0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564",
                "status": "protecting",
                "vault": {
                    "id": "ea7b8717-2543-478a-a92d-3ca7ee448f67",
                    "name": "my_vault",
                    "resources": [
                            "id": "e8cc6bfd-d324-4b88-9109-9fb0ba70676f",
                            "type": "OS::Nova::Server",
                            "name": "ecs-9f93-0002",
                            "extra_info": "{}",
                            "resource_size": "40",
                            "backup_size": "0",
                            "backup_count": "0",
                            "protect_status": "available"
                    "skipped_resources": []
                "created_at": "2020-08-17T06:49:06.307378",
                "extra_info": {
                    "name": "backup_auto",
                    "description": "backupauto",
                    "retention_duration": -1
    2. Record the ID of the restore point in the response message body.

  4. Verify that the server is backed up successfully.

    • API

      URI format: GET /v3/{project_id}/checkpoints/{checkpoint_id}

      For details, see "Querying a Restore Point".

      Obtain the value of {endpoint} from the administrator.

    • Sample request

      GET: https://{endpoint}/v3/0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564/checkpoints/d9ce6924-d753-4132-bd16-a9f8838ea7d2

    • Sample response

          "checkpoint": {
              "id": "d9ce6924-d753-4132-bd16-a9f8838ea7d2",
              "project_id": "0605767b5780d5762fc5c0118072a564",
              "status": "available",
              "vault": null,
              "created_at": "2020-08-17T06:49:06.260790",
              "extra_info": null