Creating an AS Policy¶
This API is used to create an AS policy.
An AS policy defines whether to increase or decrease the number of instances in an AS group. If the number and the expected number of instances in an AS group are different due to the execution of the AS policy, AS automatically adjusts the number of instances to the expected.
AS supports the following policies: alarm-triggered policy, periodic policy, and scheduled policy.
In the execution of the AS policy, you can set the number of instances to be scaled or perform a scaling action according to a percentage specified in the AS policy.
POST /autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_policy
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
project_id | Yes | String | Specifies the project ID. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
scaling_policy_name | Yes | String | Specifies the AS policy name. The name contains only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-), and cannot exceed 64 characters. |
scaling_group_id | Yes | String | Specifies the AS group ID, which can be obtained using the API for querying AS groups. For details, see Querying AS Groups. |
scaling_policy_type | Yes | String | Specifies the AS policy type.
alarm_id | No | String | Specifies the alarm rule ID. This parameter is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to ALARM. After this parameter is specified, the value of scheduled_policy does not take effect. After you create an alarm policy, the system automatically adds an alarm triggering activity of the autoscaling type to the alarm_actions field in the alarm rule specified by the parameter value. |
scheduled_policy | No | scheduled_policy object | Specifies the periodic or scheduled AS policy. This parameter is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to SCHEDULED or RECURRENCE. After this parameter is specified, the value of alarm_id does not take effect. For details, see Table 3. |
scaling_policy_action | No | scaling_policy_action object | Specifies the scaling action of the AS policy. For details, see Table 4. |
cool_down_time | No | Integer | Specifies the cooldown period (in seconds). The value ranges from 0 to 86400 and is 300 by default. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
launch_time | Yes | String | Specifies the time when the scaling action is triggered. The time format complies with UTC.
recurrence_type | No | String | Specifies the periodic triggering type. This parameter is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE.
recurrence_value | No | String | Specifies the day when a periodic scaling action is triggered. This parameter is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE.
start_time | No | String | Specifies the start time of the scaling action triggered periodically. The time format complies with UTC. The default value is the local time. The time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ. |
end_time | No | String | Specifies the end time of the scaling action triggered periodically. The time format complies with UTC. This parameter is mandatory when scaling_policy_type is set to RECURRENCE. When the scaling action is triggered periodically, the end time cannot be earlier than the current and start time. The time format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmZ. |
Parameter | Mandatory | Type | Description |
operation | No | String | Specifies the operation to be performed. The default operation is ADD.
instance_number | No | Integer | Specifies the number of instances to be operated. The default number is 1. The value range is as follows for a default quota:
Note Either instance_number or instance_percentage is required. |
instance_percentage | No | Integer | Specifies the percentage of instances to be operated. You can increase, decrease, or set the number of instances in an AS group to the specified percentage of the current number of instances. If operation is set to ADD, REMOVE or REDUCE, the value is an integer from 1 to 20000. If operation is set to SET, the value is an integer from 0 to 20000. If neither instance_number nor instance_percentage is specified, the number of instances to be operated is 1. Either instance_number or instance_percentage is required. |
Example Request¶
This example creates a periodic AS policy named as-policy-7a75. The policy takes effect from 2015-12-14T03:34Z to 2015-12-27T03:34Z. During this period, one instance will be added to AS group with ID 5bc3aa02-b83e-454c-aba1-4d2095c68f8b at 16:00 every day.
POST https://{Endpoint}/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_policy
"scaling_policy_name": "as-policy-7a75",
"scaling_policy_action": {
"operation": "ADD",
"instance_number": 1
"cool_down_time": 900,
"scheduled_policy": {
"launch_time": "16:00",
"recurrence_type": "Daily",
"start_time": "2015-12-14T03:34Z",
"end_time": "2015-12-27T03:34Z"
"scaling_policy_type": "RECURRENCE",
"scaling_group_id": "5bc3aa02-b83e-454c-aba1-4d2095c68f8b"
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaling_policy_id | String | Specifies the AS policy ID. |
Example Response¶
"scaling_policy_id": "0h327883-324n-4dzd-9c61-68d03ee191dd"
Returned Values¶
Returned Value
400 Bad Request
The server failed to process the request.
401 Unauthorized
You must enter the username and password to access the requested page.
403 Forbidden
You are forbidden to access the requested page.
404 Not Found
The server could not find the requested page.
405 Method Not Allowed
You are not allowed to use the method specified in the request.
406 Not Acceptable
The response generated by the server could not be accepted by the client.
407 Proxy Authentication Required
You must use the proxy server for authentication to process the request.
408 Request Timeout
The request timed out.
409 Conflict
The request could not be processed due to a conflict.
500 Internal Server Error
Failed to complete the request because of an internal service error.
501 Not Implemented
Failed to complete the request because the server does not support the requested function.
502 Bad Gateway
Failed to complete the request because the request is invalid.
503 Service Unavailable
Failed to complete the request because the system is unavailable.
504 Gateway Timeout
A gateway timeout error occurred.
Error Codes¶
See Error Codes.